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In the greenhouse

Walled garden at The Grove
Walled garden at The Grove

“The spring has been cold this year, therefore the growth rate is slow and steady, but a little behind! Despite this, Jemima’s Kitchen Garden is now starting to fill out and look green again. Last year we decided to build raised beds in the greenhouse so that we could grow salads, mustard and carrots over the winter months; these have been cropping for about a month or so and now we are planting tomatoes and aubergines in there for the summer.”

Permaculture inspired design

Walled Garden
Walled Garden

“Our garden was designed to attract more wildlife by mimicking natures cycles. We can see that the design is working as we now have blue tits nesting in one of our bird boxes on the pond bed, which is just lovely to work around. In general I have noticed a huge increase in the number of birds which is going to help dramatically with our pest control.

In the pond itself there are frogs, dragonfly’s and other insects that are predatory to pests. We’ve also planted trees to give the pond shade. My hope is that this garden will be ever-evolving and that by constantly observing the natural rhythms, we as gardeners can be part of the thriving ecosystem that looks after itself.”



“The hops in the chimney pots are now growing with a vengeance! They have well and truly established their root systems so the tunnel is already starting to look green. These will be used to create our own Grove beer which you can enjoy in The Glasshouse Bar, truly fulfilling our ‘Garden to Glass’ ethos.”

Produce for our chefs

“Last but not least, we have plenty of produce that has been growing over the past few months that is now being harvested and brought to our chefs to use on their new summer menus. Some of the colours we are seeing are simply spectacular. These are…

In June, although they may be a little late due to the great British weather, we hope to harvest pea pods, broad beans, garlic, strawberries and potatoes.”

We can’t wait to see more growth and colour from Jemima’s Kitchen Garden over the summer. Be sure to pay Abby and her team a visit during your stay to learn more about the great work they do for both wildlife and sustainability.

This summer you can dine in the middle of Jemima’s Kitchen Garden with the arrival of Jimmy’s Garden Table – a truly unique dining experience. Please contact our Reservations team on 01923 296010 or

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