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Please read this before signing:

All participants must be at least 3 years old to safely take part and no older than 8.

1. If assuming responsibility for the supervision of any under 16 year olds in this agreement, I declare that I am aged 18 years or older.

2. I acknowledge and agree that the use of the car, by me or others on Hotel premises or otherwise can be inherently dangerous and is a high risk activity if not supervised correctly and as explained.

3. To reduce the risk I agree to follow the safety rules that I have received with this document as well as all the instruction that will be given to me by the qualified instructor before and whilst undertaking the activity.

4. I am voluntarily supervising in this activity with the knowledge of the dangers involved and I agree to accept any and all risks of loss, injury and death.

5. I agree that I am responsible for my own safety and that of any under 16 year olds for whom I have signed on behalf of below and I undertake to ensure that he/she/they read, understand and will follow the instructions set out in the safety rules and verbal instructions mentioned above. If having completed my training, I am unhappy to accept this level of personal responsibility; I acknowledge that I can return to the site cabin for a full refund.

6. I declare that if I am not the child(ren)’s parent or guardian I have the authority of the parent or guardian to sign this risk acknowledgement and disclaimer.

7. In the event of an accident or any damage, loss, injury or death I acknowledge that The Grove will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with the activity (except for death or personal injury caused by The Grove’s negligence) and I waive all and any claims against The Grove in this respect both for myself and for the children in my care.

8. I agree immediately to cease the use of the car immediately if I feel I am out of control or am advised to do so by my instructor.

9. I agree that if the instructor feels in any way that I am unable to use/supervise the car safely that they have the right to stop the activity for my own safety and the safety of others. The instructor also has the right to stop the activity at any time if they feel there is a safety risk caused by any Participant.

10. I certify that to the best of my knowledge neither I nor any children in my care have a medical condition which might make me or him/her/them more likely to sustain an injury. To the best of my knowledge I and any of children in my care are; do not have back/neck problems or serious heart conditions.

11. I acknowledge that the mini land rovers are an adventurous activity and participants should use their own judgement when deciding if it is right for their child to participate.

12. I can confirm that I am not under the influence of drink or drugs

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